The North Island.

Hello, hello. I am feeling slightly too lazy to write a proper blog post right now, but I am determined to not let anyone down, so here are a few words for y’all.
I took a coach from Queenstown to Franz Josef, where I coincidentally ran into the lovely Polish couple who I worked with on the farm! It’s absolutely strange how in this country you meet people in totally random places on the other end of the island all the time. Anyway, they invited me over to their hotel and one night we did star gazing in the outside hot tub, which was pretty cool. The glacier that I hiked up to in the morning wasn’t really breathtaking, but the hike itself was very nice. Took a coach from Franz J to Nelson, which stopped every hour – it was pretty annoying, let me tell you that much. In Nelson I only stayed for the night and then went straight to Wellington, New Zealand’s capital. It’s on the North Island, so I took a ferry to get there and stayed for a few nights. I like Wellington – it’s hip and beautiful (and like most cities here: fairly small).
On Monday I met up with my hosts, as they happened to be in Welly too, and they took me home with them. Actually, I am not sure anymore if I mentioned it in a previous blog post, but I am going to work as  an au pair for a few weeks to help out the family and save up some money. They are really nice and I am grateful to have found them. So, until June I shall be staying in one place.

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